Quick Cherry Crumble Don’t crumble under hosting pressure; make a quick and easy dessert

I was remarking to some friends the other day about how Joey and I are complete opposites when it comes to socializing. As an extroverted social butterfly, Joey draws his energy from being around people and generally loves a crowd. For me, while I love to socialize, I tend to be reenergized by some alone …

Amazing Cake Get lost in a piece of amazing cake

The names people choose for recipes often crack me up. There’s the embarrassing-to-talk-about “better than sex” or “sex in a pan” variety of dishes, followed by “blue-ribbon” and “award-winning” options, and of course, there are a million recipes purporting to be “Mom’s” or “Grandma’s,” although few identify which matriarch those actually belong to. So you’ll …

Sour Cream Lemon Pie The holidays are the ‘zest’ time for refreshing lemon pie

I’m constantly amazed by the things I don’t know, despite having spent a lot of time trying new ingredients and recipes over the years. One of my favorite discoveries over the past couple of years came from a random post I saw online about store-bought graham cracker crusts. I’m sure I am the last person …

Blueberry Crisp This crisp lets fresh berries’ true colors shine ‘blue’

The past two weeks, every time I walked through the produce department at our local grocery store, pints of blueberries have been calling my name. I tried to avoid eye contact with them, knowing that I didn’t have a good way to get rid of a lot of dessert. But when we were invited to …

Reese's Cake Reese’s cake nearly got the ‘butter’ of me this time

There are so many neat videos online that give an insider’s view of all kinds of professions. For some reason, I can get absolutely lost watching someone power wash a driveway, paint fingernails or frost cakes and cookies. And then I have it in my head that I could also easily accomplish any of these …

Cinnamon Roll Cake With new recipes, you ‘cinna’ some, you lose some

I’d like to think I’m not easily swayed by pretty pictures, but I was totally taken in last week by a photo of these amazing-looking molten cinnamon rolls. They promised a warm, inviting cinnamon roll with oozing, melty cream cheese in the center. Of course, I immediately bought a couple tubes of cinnamon rolls to …