Coconut Milk Chocolate Mousse Want to try something new? ‘Mousse’ around and find out.

During my junior year of high school, we read Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” in English class. Our final project included the option to create a video, and for some reason, my group thought it would be an excellent idea to recreate scenes from the classic novel in a mashup with jokes from “Monty Python …

Chocolate Chip Cookie Cinnamon Rolls Combining cookies and cinnamon rolls is totally friend‘chip’ goals

Every once in awhile, I run across a food idea so dumb but so obviously delicious that I just have to try it. It happened when I made poutine tacos. It happened when I decided to try Mountain Dew and Doritos cupcakes. And it happened again this past week, when I saw a simple recipe …

Four-Ingredient Yogurt Cake Put this ‘four’midable cake on your list for this week

I was recently given the opportunity to speak to the Newton Kiwanis about the many projects I have been working on at the newspaper. We enjoyed a great lunch and good conversation before I spent a bit talking about my job, including my over 10-year expedition into writing this column. I noted to them that …

Quick Cherry Crumble Don’t crumble under hosting pressure; make a quick and easy dessert

I was remarking to some friends the other day about how Joey and I are complete opposites when it comes to socializing. As an extroverted social butterfly, Joey draws his energy from being around people and generally loves a crowd. For me, while I love to socialize, I tend to be reenergized by some alone …

Amazing Cake Get lost in a piece of amazing cake

The names people choose for recipes often crack me up. There’s the embarrassing-to-talk-about “better than sex” or “sex in a pan” variety of dishes, followed by “blue-ribbon” and “award-winning” options, and of course, there are a million recipes purporting to be “Mom’s” or “Grandma’s,” although few identify which matriarch those actually belong to. So you’ll …