Handheld Apple Pies This summer, let’s come together and give ‘pies’ a chance

When I was growing up, my mom’s specialty, which was required at every family get together, was her deviled eggs. I remember my uncle jokingly blocking the door, looking for her tell-tale Tupperware box before we were allowed to come inside. I also remember one fateful day when I accidentally dropped the box, creating havoc …

Brown Sugar Peach Cake Stone fruit and brown sugar are truly made for ‘peach’ other

Last summer, we ended up with a large box of peaches, and when they started to get soft before we could finish them, I sliced them up, tossed them in a bag, and stored them away in the freezer. Well, rather than using them up sometime last fall…or winter…or spring…they’ve just been hanging out in …

Salted Caramel Pretzel Brownies From-scratch salted caramel pretzel brownies ‘knot’ an easy task

Sometimes, I ironically bite off more than I can chew when it comes to trying new recipes. This week was one of those times. I was invited to donate something to a dessert auction, and I decided it was the perfect time to try a recipe for some decadent brownies I’ve been eyeballing for quite …

White Chocolate Chip and Cashew Matcha Cookies There’s no ‘matcha’ for tea-flavored cookies

It seems like everyone has an extravagant friend.  The person in your life who likes the finer things, the fancier stuff, the flashy side of life. I have a few, but one who truly fits this description recently looked at me and said, “You know what’s delicious? White chocolate chip matcha cookies.” Challenge accepted. If …