Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad There’s a kernel of summer flavor in this pasta salad

When the Mexican American Fastpitch Softball Tournament rolls into Newton every summer, Joey and I try to make it out to watch a few hours of the action. The games are definitely entertaining, but if I’m being honest, I’m mostly there for the food. Trying to pick what to eat from the various vendors is …

Sour Cream Lemon Pie The holidays are the ‘zest’ time for refreshing lemon pie

I’m constantly amazed by the things I don’t know, despite having spent a lot of time trying new ingredients and recipes over the years. One of my favorite discoveries over the past couple of years came from a random post I saw online about store-bought graham cracker crusts. I’m sure I am the last person …

Sour Cream Double Chocolate Muffins New baking technique delivers ‘dome sweet dome’ for muffins

I learned something new this week that totally blew my mind: how to create muffins with perfectly domed tops. It’s been a mystery for me for a long time how bakeries and other super bakers manage to get their muffins to rise so tall, puffing perfectly over the edges of their cupcake liners. This week’s …

Taco Sour Cream Rice Casserole Casserole might be better on taste then eating with your ‘rice’

There’s a popular saying that people eat with their eyes. Food that looks good tends to taste better, and food that looks like slop tends to, well, taste like slop. I was worried that the saying was going to come back to bite me with this week’s recipe when I decided to add a Sazon …

Sour Cream Donuts Lots of leftovers results in some recipe (sour) scheming

So much sour cream. Seriously, you should see the nearly literal vat of sour cream in my refrigerator right now. We hosted a catered meal about a week ago, and I ended up with the leftovers in my fridge. I’m not complaining, mind you, because the meal was absolutely delicious, and I’m never going to …

Chicken Chimichangas with White Sauce I’ll take all the Tex-Mex you can ‘chimi’

The debate about “authentic” food always fascinates me.  I recently listened to an episode of NPR’s “The Splendid Table,” where the host and guest were discussing the different ways people make sauce in Italy, and some of the recipes sounded very different than what I’d always thought was uniquely Italian. The same debate seems to …