Joey puts up with a lot of weird stuff when it comes to this column. The poor guy watches me put random ingredients in our shopping cart all the time and never knows what I’m going to come up with next. With that said, he’s a terrific sport. He tries all my experiments and gives …
Continue reading “‘Orange’ you glad these weird cookies made an appearance?”
When I was little, my dad would wake up early every morning, pack his lunchbox and head out for work. I probably wouldn’t have cared at all about what was in that black plastic box if it weren’t for the Tupperware bowl of sandwich cookies in the pantry. Dad would normally toss a couple into …
Continue reading “‘Micro’save yourself some time baking fresh cookies”
I have become completely susceptible to online cooking demos. If I am scrolling through Pinterest or Facebook, I will inevitably find myself watching someone chopping up veggies or mixing up some kind of batter. Even if the recipe doesn’t particularly appeal to me, I find the process of watching someone cook completely fascinating. It’s either …
Continue reading “Combo cookies will be your next crowning achievement”
Every time it was our family’s turn to bring snacks for any event—youth group, school functions, you name it—my friends would immediately ask, “Is your mom going to make cookies?” When my sister or I would announce that we needed to bring something yummy to share, Mom didn’t need to ask us what we wanted …
Continue reading “Baking Mom’s cookies makes me a chip off the old block”
I have a bad habit of skipping over steps in recipes when I look over them, trying to decide whether or not I should give them a try. More than once, I’ve started baking something, only to realize halfway through that I have to stop and chill an ingredient for an hour or overnight before …
Continue reading “It’s time to sprinkle in some sugar cookies”