A few weekends ago, Joey and his best friend decided to fire up our smoker in the backyard and fill it with everything from several racks of ribs to a pork loin. They tended the fire all day, hanging out in the garage with a set of washer boards to get out of the sun. …
Continue reading “Make garlic pasta salad to be the ‘roast’ of the town”
There were quite a number of years when I was younger that I wouldn’t eat cherry pie, despite always having loved it. My last piece before my break with the dessert was while sitting at my grandparents’ dining room table. “You know,” my cousins told me. “Those aren’t cherries. Those are baby animal hearts.” I …
Continue reading “It’s time to revisit your ‘pie’orities”
I was digging through our refrigerator last week, reorganizing and looking for hidden “treasures” that were stuffed into the back corners when I stumbled on some packets of yeast. I cringed a little, because I didn’t really remember when I bought them, and they were well over their expiration date. In a waste-not-want-not mood, I …
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I’ve mentioned before that my gardening ability is pretty sad to say the least. Part of that is due to my inability to figure out how much water to dump on my plants, and part of that is due to a thieving squirrel, who convinced me for most of a summer that my tomatoes were …
Continue reading “Make ‘mushroom’ for lots of fresh veggies this summer”
With a few family members on low-sugar diets, I often try to integrate desserts with sugar substitutes into our get-togethers when I bring something sweet for after dinner. For Mother’s Day, I decided to try out a recipe for a sugar-free angel food cake for that purpose. Now, let me give a disclaimer that while …
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We were out grocery shopping recently, getting the essentials for the week, and Joey disappeared (as he often seems to do) while we were in the produce section and came back holding a pint of some of the biggest blackberries I’ve ever seen. “These are on sale,” he said, knowing how to appeal to my …
Continue reading “Get ready to ‘berry’ your fork into blackberry cake”
Last weekend, we decided to go to a late showing of the new “Avengers” movie with a group of friends, so we met early to enjoy the nice weather and grill for supper. One of our friends walked in with a big bag of fresh asparagus. “You can do whatever you want with this,” she …
Continue reading “Let’s have a serious ‘stalk’ about grilled asparagus”
We recently had a get-together with my mom’s side of the family. As always, we had an amazing spread of way too much food and had lots of fun catching up. I volunteered to bring a few pies for dessert, and my family is used to being guinea pigs when it comes to me trying …
Continue reading “No-bake pie is better chocolate than never”
I know that we’re quickly moving out of what most people would consider “soup weather,” but I tend to like it no matter what time of year it is. I especially like to have containers full of it in my deep freeze at all times for evenings when Joey and I are far too busy …
Continue reading “Leftover potato soup a f‘root’ful experiment”
It might be a side effect of becoming an aunt, but my eyes seem to be drawn to all kinds of cute things lately. The cookie recipe I’m sharing with you this week was one of those cute items I found online and just had to try. I then immediately messaged my sister with a …
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