Stuffed Pepper Casserole Put some pep(per) in your step with a tasty, cheesy casserole

Throughout the winter months, Joey and I make a lot of soups, chowders and chilis, which I still firmly believe are perfectly great recipes to pull out of the box any time of the year. But sometimes I find myself in the mood for a casserole—something with a ton of flavorful ingredients, all nestled beneath …

Brussels Spouts Mac and Cheese Mac and cheese a ‘grate’ way to eat your veggies

I’ve been going through a strange Brussels sprouts obsession lately. I’m sure there’s something in my Pinterest algorithm that is driving that obsession, but honestly, I’m not mad at it. Unfortunately, while it might be adding a few extra vitamins to my system, the overall effect of the recipe I chose to try this week …

Potsticker Soup Easy potsticker soup will have you shouting for ‘choy’

Just when I think I have explored every part of the produce section, I find something new to try. This time, it was bok choy. Bok choy, according to the Food Literacy Center website, is considered the oldest green in China, harkening back to the fifth century. It is sometimes referred to as “Chinese cabbage,” …

No Bake Dark Chocolate Pistachio Tart ‘Nut’ing compares to eating dessert for a good cause

I love acts of subtle service. You know, acts that are seemingly so ordinary that, to someone who has never struggled with that particular essential, it’s almost an invisible need in their day-to-day lives. One subtle act that I really like is an event that takes place every Thursday in Newton, Kansas, called “Laundry Love.” …

Rum or Bourbon Balls Overcome old assumptions with something sc‘rum’ptious

It must have been sometime when I was in middle school that a family acquaintance gifted us with a basket of homemade goodies during the holidays. Most of the items were run-of-the-mill, well-done treats, but there was one none of us could identify initially. Upon further inspection, we discovered a sweet that none of us …

Parmesan Sausage Ditalini Soup There’s ‘snow’ excuse for waiting to try this great soup

As soon as the weather forecast called for snow this past week, I immediately began reviewing soup recipes I saved over the past year. It was time. Joey and I prepared our “get ready to be snowed in” list for the grocery store, and I was thoroughly ready to make some awesome, hearty meals while …