I absolutely adore green beans. They’ve been near the top of my favorite veggies list since I was little. My normal ways of preparing them is to open a can, dump them in a microwave-safe container with some salt and pepper and heat them up or to fry up some bits of bacon in a …
Continue reading “I finally found the cooking method I’ve ‘bean’ looking for”
For July 4th this year, Joey and I were invited to spend the afternoon and evening with my sister and brother-in-law, and of course, my wonderful niece. She’s quickly approaching 2 years old, and although she probably won’t stay up long enough to see any fireworks this year, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of fun …
Continue reading “Sprinkle in some fun this Fourth”
When I first started going solo in the kitchen as a youngster, I was very concerned with cooking by the book. Mom never minded me hovering over her shoulder (or if she did, she hid it really well), and I asked a lot of questions. Once I felt ready to make meals on my own, …
Continue reading “Sweet roll recipe is the only ‘bun’ for me”
Last week, we walked into one of our favorite restaurants in Hutchinson, a little hole-in-the-wall called El Rodeo that serves up tons of amazing Mexican food. I have explored all over their menu, and I have yet to find something I didn’t like. I’m especially a sucker for their chorizo and potato fried tacos, which …
Continue reading “You’ll pine for this fresh summer treat”
Over the seven years since I started writing this column, my family has gotten very used to being guinea pigs for new recipes. So much so, that when I showed up with a dish of still-warm brownies for a board game night with my sister and brother-in-law last weekend, my sister looked at me and …
Continue reading “Cherry Garcia brownies makes friends ‘Grateful Fed’”
Most of the time, I pick out a recipe based on what I already have in my fridge or pantry, but every once in awhile, I see something that looks so good that I end up going on a scavenger hunt in my local grocery store, seeking out some new ingredients to add to my …
Continue reading “‘Curry’ up and eat your veggies this summer”
When I rented my first house after I graduated from college, I got the experience of regularly mowing my lawn—a chore my dad normally claimed when I was a child. My first lawnmower was electric, leading to me learning to wrangle an extension cord around the yard and moving it to various outlets as I …
Continue reading “A good dip recipe can go ‘onion’ and on”
I only have a few rules for choosing recipes I want to try. First, it has to be decently easy and not need a bunch of weird kitchen implements. Second, the ingredients need to be something I can find locally and not have to order online. Third, I have to want to eat it. I …
Continue reading “Coffee cake comes highly rec’almond’ed”
Several years ago, we had a planned trip to Kansas City, and Joey announced that he really wanted to do his own “Kansas City barbecue tour.” I was game for an adventure, so I agreed. Little did I know just how much Joey loves barbecue. He managed to find a barbecue joint for every lunch …
Continue reading “Even ‘piggy’ eaters will love some pulled pork”
There’s something about May that makes Joey and I busier than normal, it seems. I think it’s just the rushing around of all the end-of-school items that need to get into the newspaper, along with all the excitement of events coming up in the summer that keep us on our toes. That, unfortunately, means May …
Continue reading “Here’s the ‘ravi-only’ quick dinner recipe you need”