Ratatouille Want to be a French chef? You can d’ouille’ it!

In an online article, author Ossiana Tepfenhart explains that there are lots of foods we now consider “fancy” that were once “poor man’s food.” Dishes that fit the bill include lobster, oysters and even caviar.  Another dish that she could have included? Ratatouille.  The summer stew, native to Nice, France, was once considered a humble …

Korean Chicken Spicy Korean chicken is a great bite to ‘heat’

A lot of people took time during their quarantine to learn to make fresh bread. I don’t know how many Pinterest posts I saw where people proudly showed off their sourdough starters.  Rather than tackle that particular challenge, I decided to try my hand at some Asian dishes instead. As a lifelong Kansan, I haven’t …

White Chocolate Chip and Cashew Matcha Cookies There’s no ‘matcha’ for tea-flavored cookies

It seems like everyone has an extravagant friend.  The person in your life who likes the finer things, the fancier stuff, the flashy side of life. I have a few, but one who truly fits this description recently looked at me and said, “You know what’s delicious? White chocolate chip matcha cookies.” Challenge accepted. If …

Bell Pepper Baked Tortellini Casserole Casserole should tread care’philly’ with its cheesesteak claims

There are tons of great copycat recipes out there. I was blown away several years ago to learn that you can make a pretty convincing Butterfinger candy bar with candy corn and a few other ingredients. I also once tried a great recipe claiming to mirror Starbucks’s lemon bread. So when I tried a casserole …