Not long ago, I saw a spirited discussion on Facebook about online food bloggers. The general consensus was that nobody wanted to read the person’s back story and long-winded tales from the kitchen—they just wanted the recipe. Honestly, that made me a little sad. Not only because I was sure that means they are definitely …
Continue reading “Potatoes and ground beef make dinner a done ‘dillo’”
When it comes to cooking indoors, Joey and I share the load pretty evenly. We each take on lunch or dinner regularly, with both of us having our specialties. But when it comes to cooking outside, I definitely fall far behind. Joey has really perfected the use of his kamado-style grill, mostly opting to create …
Continue reading “Grilling cheese is more than just o’queso’”
The vegetable section of our local grocery store has been calling to me lately. And now that our local farmer’s markets are in full swing, I’m sure I’ll be finding all kinds of reasons to bring home fresh produce. This past week, the siren’s song was coming from the zucchini. It was so pretty and …
Continue reading “Make summer meals direct from farm to ‘vege’table”
There’s a running joke that the people in my generation, Millennials, are completely obsessed with avocados. In our house, we fit the stereotype, although we rarely eat them on toast. The truth is, avocados are more popular with our generation, because it was in the late 1990s that trade restrictions started to ease for avocados …
Continue reading “Explore new ‘pasta’bilities with avocados”
Joey and I have completely different styles when it comes to cooking. I’m a measurements person. He’s an “add it until it tastes right” person. I subscribe to the “clean as you go” philosophy. He waits until the meal is over. I search cookbooks and online for ingredients that meld well. He goes with his …
Continue reading “A one-pot meal won’t take up ‘mushroom’ in the kitchen”
I have had several people over the years tell me that this column is promoting bad eating. I mean, yeah, I agree at least somewhat. If you eat many of the recipes I write about every day of the week, you’re probably not making your doctor or your bathroom scale all that happy. But I …
Continue reading “‘Poutine’ all this in a taco is a little crazy”
One of the first meals Joey and I had inside a restaurant after we were officially vaccinated for COVID-19 was to try out some local spicy garlic ramen we heard about online. The restaurant serves its spicy ramen in levels, with each level getting progressively hotter. Joey started off asking for a relatively high number, …
Continue reading “Spicy ramen makes ‘miso’ happy”
As the extremely proud aunt of a fantastic three-year-old, I have been around for quite a few meals of macaroni and cheese the past several years. I definitely can’t argue with her taste in good food. Joey makes fun of me for ordering mac and cheese regularly, and while my niece’s dish of choice is …
Continue reading “Huge casserole will make you say, ‘Cheese, Louise!’”
With the weather finally warming up, it’s about the time of year when you begin meeting yourself coming and going, it seems. There are so many activities outdoors, and staying inside after the harsh winter on top of a pandemic makes me want to spend every moment I can out in the yard or taking …
Continue reading “Spring is time to come out of your shell”
I’m sure no one actually notices, but I’m sometimes worried I have a weird reputation for wandering all over the aisles of my local grocery store. I always start with the good intentions of going aisle by aisle until I cover the whole store, my list complete and my cart full. But it rarely works …
Continue reading “‘Andouille’ yourself a favor and try this recipe”