Joey puts up with a lot of weird stuff when it comes to this column. The poor guy watches me put random ingredients in our shopping cart all the time and never knows what I’m going to come up with next. With that said, he’s a terrific sport. He tries all my experiments and gives …
Continue reading “‘Orange’ you glad these weird cookies made an appearance?”
It must have been sometime when I was in middle school that a family acquaintance gifted us with a basket of homemade goodies during the holidays. Most of the items were run-of-the-mill, well-done treats, but there was one none of us could identify initially. Upon further inspection, we discovered a sweet that none of us …
Continue reading “Overcome old assumptions with something sc‘rum’ptious”
A few weeks ago, when the county fair carnival was in town, Joey and I decided to host our 6-year-old niece for a sleepover. Well, I should say I decided to host her, and Joey was allowed to participate as the fun uncle who was then relegated to sleeping in the guest room with the …
Continue reading “Let a youngster chip in on making these yummy bars”
As I promised, I’m back in this week’s column with the second recipe in my raspberry series. After my triumph over Joey and his usual dislike of raspberries with last week’s recipe, I was feeling pretty confident about the others I picked out to try on him. People often tell Joey just how lucky he …
Continue reading “No one will razz you about these yummy cookies”
Several months ago, I decided, for some reason, I needed to get ahold of a can of guava paste to bake with. I didn’t have a recipe picked out yet, but I’m sure I found some video about guava that convinced me I needed it in my life. I found a can while traveling and …
Continue reading “‘Guava’ your friends a tropical dessert to try”
Something I probably haven’t mentioned often is that I have a constant helper in the kitchen when I try recipes for this column. Sometimes she gets to sample something, and sometimes she is informed that the particular creation at hand is “not good for puppies.” Regardless, our 15-year-old schnauzer, K.C., hopefully follows me around the …
Continue reading “Turn over a new leaf with basil lemon sugar cookies”
Every once in awhile, I run across a food idea so dumb but so obviously delicious that I just have to try it. It happened when I made poutine tacos. It happened when I decided to try Mountain Dew and Doritos cupcakes. And it happened again this past week, when I saw a simple recipe …
Continue reading “Combining cookies and cinnamon rolls is totally friend‘chip’ goals”
For a recent get-together at our office, I decided I wanted my snack table to look ready for fall. I set up a mini scarecrow, laid a garland of orange and red leaves along the back of the table and sprinkled candy corn strategically around the plates of goodies. To compliment the look of fall, …
Continue reading “Try a cookie recipe that is a piece of cake”
“They have some gross cookies over here,” a gentleman said into his cell phone at a Hesston event we held this weekend, making sure to say it just loud enough for me to hear. Luckily, he was joking. Or at least I think he was. The cookies, made with lots of fresh raspberries ended up …
Continue reading “Chewy cookies can be a real ‘raspberry’ in blue”
“Well, these are a disaster,” I told Joey, pulling my baking sheet out of the oven. “I guess they won’t be going in the column.” Earlier in the week, I was excited to try a recipe I ran across that used soy sauce in chocolate chip cookies. It sounded just weird enough that I had …
Continue reading “‘Soy’ vey: These cookies were quite the weird experiment”