Queso Fresco Enchiladas Deciding to make enchiladas an open and shut ‘queso’

When I was in grade school, our family used to frequent a now defunct Mexican restaurant called Zaki’s.  For some reason, at that age, I was particularly fond of making bets with my dad, and I can remember two challenges that centered on that restaurant in particular. The first was a bet I won. The …

Chorizo con Papas Expand your ‘chorizo’ns with potato tacos

My sister and I have a fundamental difference in opinion when it comes to potatoes in Mexican food.  I’m in the “absolutely” camp, and she’s in the “never, ever” camp. I discovered this philosophical divergence one day when I recommended a local restaurant’s chorizo and potato fried tacos to her, and we were both shocked …

Scalloped Broccoli It’s tough to see one more empty seat at the table

A couple weeks ago, our family gathered around my maternal grandmother’s table, enjoying a meal with her along with all of the cousins and their children and spouses present. It was sometimes a bit loud and boisterous, and there was plenty of laughter as we all ate way too much while telling stories and catching …

Fresh Green Beans I finally found the cooking method I’ve ‘bean’ looking for

I absolutely adore green beans. They’ve been near the top of my favorite veggies list since I was little. My normal ways of preparing them is to open a can, dump them in a microwave-safe container with some salt and pepper and heat them up or to fry up some bits of bacon in a …