International cuisine website “Saveur” features an article called “Pasta’s Predecessor: The History of Gnocchi,” that I found really interesting when trying to figure out how the little potato dumplings came to be. As with all traditional foods, there is controversy about where in Italy the dish originated, as well as when it was first developed, …
Continue reading “Say ‘oky gnocchi’ to trying this creamy pasta dish”
I know that most of the recipes I share with you in this space are “sometimes” foods. From pasta-laden, full-fat casseroles swimming in cheese to decadent desserts with more sugar than a bag of Pixy Stix, I know the temptation is real. But we all need some recipes that look and sound a bit sinful …
Continue reading “Lighten up and try a new lasagna recipe this week”
I have to confess that I have never been much of a cyclist. I finally learned how to ride a bike—mostly because I was embarrassed that my younger sister was (literally) riding circles around me. We would go out riding occasionally, and I rode a bit when I was in college, but it has never …
Continue reading “Put a little pep in your pasta with veggies and feta”
We have a friend we lovingly refer to as “the human jukebox.” He has a ton of songs floating around in his head, and all it takes to get him to launch into one is to subtly mention a lyric. Joey and I sometimes make a game of seeing if we can make a comment …
Continue reading “Combination of chicken, veggies, herbs more than just fair”
I inadvertently jumped into the middle of a food controversy this week. Well, really, it was Joey’s fault. He found a video recently of someone making a sandwich called a “chopped cheese,” and because it looked delicious, we decided we needed to give it a try in our own kitchen. Upon doing some digging, I …
Continue reading “Stop, chop and (hoagie) roll into this week’s fabulous sandwich”
We always host friends at our house for the NFL playoff games—especially if the Chiefs are still in the race—and the recent AFC Championship game was no exception. Along with having folks over to yell at the TV with us, we try to put out a good spread of food for everyone to enjoy. While …
Continue reading “Get ready to ‘chowder’ down on some hearty soup this week”
With the Chiefs heading into the playoffs, Joey and I have been planning for our annual get together with our fantasy football league to watch their first game. In discussing menus for that game, it reminded me that I haven’t shared a fantastic recipe I tried earlier this football season with all of you. We …
Continue reading “You’ll be ‘bacon’ plenty of friends with this hearty breakfast”
There’s that famous quote from Ecclesiastes that “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” That phrase is especially applicable when it comes to recipes, it seems. Any time I wonder if anyone has actually accomplished some weird idea, a simple Google …
Continue reading “Onion soup-inspired baked potatoes will have you crying with joy”
We have a serious love of cornbread at our house. When we discovered the goodness that is cornbread dressing to go with our holiday turkeys, we were understandably excited. But, being more of a traditional mindset, the rest of the extended family missed the conventional holiday stuffing at our big meals, so I went back …
Continue reading “I ‘corn’not believe how delicious this savory pudding is”
A few months ago, I was introduced to the deliciousness that is birria. Birria, according to the “My Latin Table” website, is a Mexican dish that traditionally uses lamb but is often made with beef, too. The article goes on to note that it can be eaten as a soup or made into tacos. The …
Continue reading “These tacos must ‘birria’ your next new dinner recipe”