Joey puts up with a lot of weird stuff when it comes to this column. The poor guy watches me put random ingredients in our shopping cart all the time and never knows what I’m going to come up with next. With that said, he’s a terrific sport. He tries all my experiments and gives …
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As I promised, I’m back in this week’s column with the second recipe in my raspberry series. After my triumph over Joey and his usual dislike of raspberries with last week’s recipe, I was feeling pretty confident about the others I picked out to try on him. People often tell Joey just how lucky he …
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Something I probably haven’t mentioned often is that I have a constant helper in the kitchen when I try recipes for this column. Sometimes she gets to sample something, and sometimes she is informed that the particular creation at hand is “not good for puppies.” Regardless, our 15-year-old schnauzer, K.C., hopefully follows me around the …
Continue reading “Turn over a new leaf with basil lemon sugar cookies”
A few months ago, Joey and I moved into a new house, and I must confess that my pantry is still an absolute mess. I often reference my pantry in this column, but up until we moved, my “pantry” has always been a large, open bookshelf in my kitchen, so a lot of my food …
Continue reading “Sugar cookies had me at ‘Jell-O’”
For July 4th this year, Joey and I were invited to spend the afternoon and evening with my sister and brother-in-law, and of course, my wonderful niece. She’s quickly approaching 2 years old, and although she probably won’t stay up long enough to see any fireworks this year, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of fun …
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I have a bad habit of skipping over steps in recipes when I look over them, trying to decide whether or not I should give them a try. More than once, I’ve started baking something, only to realize halfway through that I have to stop and chill an ingredient for an hour or overnight before …
Continue reading “It’s time to sprinkle in some sugar cookies”