Stuffed Pepper Casserole Put some pep(per) in your step with a tasty, cheesy casserole

Throughout the winter months, Joey and I make a lot of soups, chowders and chilis, which I still firmly believe are perfectly great recipes to pull out of the box any time of the year. But sometimes I find myself in the mood for a casserole—something with a ton of flavorful ingredients, all nestled beneath …

Chicken Potato Chowder Get ready to ‘chowder’ down on some hearty soup this week

We always host friends at our house for the NFL playoff games—especially if the Chiefs are still in the race—and the recent AFC Championship game was no exception. Along with having folks over to yell at the TV with us, we try to put out a good spread of food for everyone to enjoy. While …

Smoked Shotgun Shells Kick football season off with a bang by making shotgun shells

As soon as the weekly forecast came out, telling us that the opening weekend of football would be perfect for spending some time outside, Joey announced we were going to invite some folks to watch the games and throw some food on the smoker. Of course, I had to stick my nose in and announce …

Breakfast Pizza You don’t have to work hard for ‘egg’cellent pizza

In January, Joey happened upon a post for a local restaurant that was going to serve breakfast pizzas for their New Year’s Day brunch. We weren’t able to make it, but he kept mentioning it over the next few weeks—noting that we could surely figure out how to make a fantastic breakfast pizza ourselves. After …