Despite being a “food columnist,” I have to admit that a lot of my tastes are fairly, well, childish. For rare meals where I’m eating on my own, I’m likely to give in to my cravings for a serving of box macaroni and cheese or a bowl of cereal, or even more likely, a peanut …
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If you do some looking online about the best version of Reese’s candy, you’ll find quite a few articles that discuss the superiority of Reese’s eggs to the normal peanut butter cups. Yes, I know. I need to spend my time more wisely, but I ended up down a strange rabbit hole, and I figured …
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As a general rule, when I see the words “no-bake” in the title of a recipe, I assume I’m about to have a really easy time in the kitchen. Those are the types of recipes I save for when I need a quick dessert to bring at the last second. Well, this week’s recipe completely …
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When we were kids, my mom would give my sister and I each a quarter a day for snacks at the Haven pool when we’d go swimming with our babysitter. That quarter could get you some licorice or Now and Laters, but I would often hoard my coins for several sessions until I had enough …
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I made the cardinal sin of grocery shopping while hungry recently and came home with some awesome trail mix. It had raisins and craisins, pepitas, sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc. Joey saw it and commented that it looked like the perfect mixture to go into some granola bars. As always, he was right, and I started …
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