Although I have never joined an official weight loss program—tracking points, writing down my calorie counts and eating only pre-portioned foods delivered to my door—I have always been fascinated how they work for so many people to slim down. For me, when working on trying to eat healthier, I normally just follow the rules of …
Continue reading “There is no point(s) to this easy ‘cheesecake’”
We had an early Christmas celebration this past week, and of course, I volunteered to make dessert. I knew I wanted to make a cranberry orange tart that I first tried last Christmas (check out my website for that one), since I had a full bag of cranberries in my crisper drawer, but I was …
Continue reading “You’ll be ready to poke into this chocolate-filled cake”
I normally like to start this column with a story about the week’s recipe, but I have to tell you about my most recent kitchen fail. It’s a doozy. My parents-in-law gifted us with several packages of frozen tamales that are made by simply boiling the bag for 20 minutes and then serving. They’re great …
Continue reading “Come out of your shell with pistachio cake”
I am and always have been a rule follower. I rarely if ever got in trouble in school, and I still read instructions before completing a form or assembling a piece of furniture. For years, I was that way with recipes, too. I followed the directions to the letter. But I have had the good …
Continue reading “You’re fine ‘pudding’ whatever you want in these cookies”
For July 4th this year, Joey and I were invited to spend the afternoon and evening with my sister and brother-in-law, and of course, my wonderful niece. She’s quickly approaching 2 years old, and although she probably won’t stay up long enough to see any fireworks this year, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of fun …
Continue reading “Sprinkle in some fun this Fourth”
It seems like barbecues and gatherings happen at a moment’s notice during the summer. As a lover of dessert, I often find that these gatherings are full of all kinds of delicious salads and entrees but are often lacking on the sweet side of the palate. Obviously, I’ve taken it upon myself to fix this …
Continue reading “You’ll pine for this no bake cheesecake”