Parmesan Sausage Ditalini Soup There’s ‘snow’ excuse for waiting to try this great soup

As soon as the weather forecast called for snow this past week, I immediately began reviewing soup recipes I saved over the past year. It was time. Joey and I prepared our “get ready to be snowed in” list for the grocery store, and I was thoroughly ready to make some awesome, hearty meals while …

Pumpkin Caramel Pie Oh, my ‘ganache.’ This pie is absolutely incredible!

It’s Friendsgiving season for Joey and me, so that means I’m playing around with some new pie recipes. Our poor friends never know what to expect when I show up, but being the troopers they are, I haven’t heard too many complaints, either. This comes from the Milk Bar website. You can find the original …

Ground Beef Gnocchi Say ‘oky gnocchi’ to trying this creamy pasta dish

International cuisine website “Saveur” features an article called “Pasta’s Predecessor: The History of Gnocchi,” that I found really interesting when trying to figure out how the little potato dumplings came to be. As with all traditional foods, there is controversy about where in Italy the dish originated, as well as when it was first developed, …

Creamy Chicken and Tortellini Creamy chicken and tortellini is ‘pasta’tively perfect for dinner this winter

I have officially reached the hibernation stage of winter. Once I’m home from work, I am constantly clad in my fleece pants, thick socks and carrying a fuzzy blanket for our schnauzer and me to curl up under on the couch. On top of that, I’m mostly attracted to meals that are warm and carb …

Brown Sugar Peach Cake Stone fruit and brown sugar are truly made for ‘peach’ other

Last summer, we ended up with a large box of peaches, and when they started to get soft before we could finish them, I sliced them up, tossed them in a bag, and stored them away in the freezer. Well, rather than using them up sometime last fall…or winter…or spring…they’ve just been hanging out in …