With plans to have company over recently, I was on the lookout for something easy to share for our snack table. After perusing several websites, I landed on one of my favorite ways to make a quick sweet without working all that hard for it: a cake mix transformation. The recipe I tried promised to …
Continue reading “Turn to easy lemon cake when you’re squeezed for time”
One of my unofficial New Year’s resolutions each year is to try to use up the random ingredients hiding in my pantry. In this case, one of the culprits was a large can of pumpkin pie filling that I bought by mistake, thinking I found a great deal on plain canned pumpkin. It’s been staring …
Continue reading “Combo recipe is piece of cake and easy as pie”
As we head into the home stretch of 2024, we’re officially entering snacking season. It’s that time of year when we all concede to our stretchy pants, eat with friends and family, and hope that our New Year’s resolutions will save us from having to size up when shorts season comes around again. That being …
Continue reading “With the holidays in view, it’s time to dip into the season”
Throughout our marriage, one of my side projects with Joey has been figuring out how to make foods he didn’t think he liked into something he likes. This has been really easy for tons of vegetables and mushrooms, but I recently decided to tackle one that I thought might be impossible: raspberries. I knew it …
Continue reading “Beautiful pastries are just within your ‘rasp’”
Earlier this week, I made a fabulous apple cake. (I promise to share the recipe with you in an upcoming column.) I realized after I peeled and diced all my apples, though, that I had more than the recipe called for, and while I put a few extras into the batter, I was a little …
Continue reading “Beat the heat with a yummy microwaved dessert”
During my junior year of high school, we read Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” in English class. Our final project included the option to create a video, and for some reason, my group thought it would be an excellent idea to recreate scenes from the classic novel in a mashup with jokes from “Monty Python …
Continue reading “Want to try something new? ‘Mousse’ around and find out.”
Every once in awhile, I run across a food idea so dumb but so obviously delicious that I just have to try it. It happened when I made poutine tacos. It happened when I decided to try Mountain Dew and Doritos cupcakes. And it happened again this past week, when I saw a simple recipe …
Continue reading “Combining cookies and cinnamon rolls is totally friend‘chip’ goals”
I was recently given the opportunity to speak to the Newton Kiwanis about the many projects I have been working on at the newspaper. We enjoyed a great lunch and good conversation before I spent a bit talking about my job, including my over 10-year expedition into writing this column. I noted to them that …
Continue reading “Put this ‘four’midable cake on your list for this week”
We had a bit of a scaled-down celebration for Christmas this year, with several of our family members traveling outside of Kansas, so I very carefully considered what treats I would be making. Normally, I overdo it with several types of candies and baked goods to share, but knowing that our group would be a …
Continue reading “Become ‘nut’orious for simple pecan brownies”
I am often lost when it comes to buying preserves, jams, jellies, etc. I know there are differences, but for some reason, my brain can’t seem to keep it all straight. If you ever see me at a store, staring at my phone in front of a shelf of spreads, you’ll know exactly what I’m …
Continue reading “Preserve your time with a quick strawberry bar”