I’ve been going through a strange Brussels sprouts obsession lately. I’m sure there’s something in my Pinterest algorithm that is driving that obsession, but honestly, I’m not mad at it. Unfortunately, while it might be adding a few extra vitamins to my system, the overall effect of the recipe I chose to try this week …
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As a child, I remember Brussels sprouts as being held up as the epitome of gross vegetables on every kids’ show I watched. The mere mention of the little green vegetable made actors and cartoon characters wrinkle their noses in disgust. As an adult, I love Brussels sprouts. I figured it was just due to …
Continue reading “It’s time to sprout a new opinion of the old Brussels”
Early to mid-October is one of the harder times of year for me to decide what to cook. Since the Kansas weather can’t make up its mind, I’m never sure if it will be a day where I’m happy to heat up my kitchen by firing up the oven or if I’ll regret raising the …
Continue reading “Cook up all the ‘gourd’ things for fall weather”
I don’t know about you, but I find myself searching the Internet every summer for new side dishes to take to barbecues. Joey is really, really not a mayonnaise fan, so the traditional offerings like potato salad and coleslaw are mostly out of the question. But then you also have the problem of how to …
Continue reading “Flex your cooking ‘Brussels’ with a new summer side dish”
I’m sure no one actually notices, but I’m sometimes worried I have a weird reputation for wandering all over the aisles of my local grocery store. I always start with the good intentions of going aisle by aisle until I cover the whole store, my list complete and my cart full. But it rarely works …
Continue reading “‘Andouille’ yourself a favor and try this recipe”
I recently found myself going on a whirlwind trip through the grocery store, quickly grabbing something to make for dinner on my way home from work. Joey and I were all geared up to watch a basketball game, and I (of course) ended up getting caught in the office far later than I wanted. And …
Continue reading “Sometimes speed is what cooking is all a’sprout’”