Just when I think I have explored every part of the produce section, I find something new to try. This time, it was bok choy. Bok choy, according to the Food Literacy Center website, is considered the oldest green in China, harkening back to the fifth century. It is sometimes referred to as “Chinese cabbage,” …
Continue reading “Easy potsticker soup will have you shouting for ‘choy’”
As soon as the weather forecast called for snow this past week, I immediately began reviewing soup recipes I saved over the past year. It was time. Joey and I prepared our “get ready to be snowed in” list for the grocery store, and I was thoroughly ready to make some awesome, hearty meals while …
Continue reading “There’s ‘snow’ excuse for waiting to try this great soup”
In an interview with the Food Network, Chinese food expert Nadia Liu Spellman explained hoisin sauce, a condiment that is new to my refrigerator as of this week. “I would call it the ketchup of Chinese cuisine, because it’s used as an ingredient but also as a finishing sauce and condiment,” Liu Spellman said in …
Continue reading “‘Hoi’ can’t recommend these Mongolian noodles enough”
Some wonderful friends of ours hosted Joey and me this past weekend while we were on a trip to speak to some college students. We were treated to a great time, fabulous food and amazing company, getting to break bread with a lot of their friends while we were there. Of course, we had to …
Continue reading “This flavorful vegetable pasta doesn’t ‘shrimp’ on flavor”
I was listening to a podcast this week about a scammer who managed to get millions of dollars out of his marks by pretending to be a Saudi Arabian prince. In one case, he was found out because he ordered a dish with pancetta in it at a restaurant, and since his dining companion knew …
Continue reading “Chop, chop! It’s time for a fabulous pork dinner”
I have officially reached the hibernation stage of winter. Once I’m home from work, I am constantly clad in my fleece pants, thick socks and carrying a fuzzy blanket for our schnauzer and me to curl up under on the couch. On top of that, I’m mostly attracted to meals that are warm and carb …
Continue reading “Creamy chicken and tortellini is ‘pasta’tively perfect for dinner this winter”
Is it just me, or has it been particularly difficult to decide what to make for dinner lately? OK, so I know it’s definitely not just me—it’s Joey, too. If you’re not having this same “let’s stare at each other until one of us breaks and makes a decision” moment every evening, I envy you. …
Continue reading “‘Ciao’ down on Tuscan sausage pasta”