Years ago, when I was on summer staff at Camp Mennoscah, several staff members spent a bit of an afternoon harvesting tons of mulberries off of a couple trees. This resulted in some time spent that afternoon in serious pie-baking mode, and it was the first time I ever saw a latticed pie top made …
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I’m forever looking online for new recipes to try, and it seems like there aren’t a lot of foods I haven’t given a go over the years of writing this column. I keep a spreadsheet of the recipes that have appeared in this space to keep track of what I’ve done and also when they …
Continue reading “You ‘donut’ want to miss out on this recipe”
It seems like barbecues and gatherings happen at a moment’s notice during the summer. As a lover of dessert, I often find that these gatherings are full of all kinds of delicious salads and entrees but are often lacking on the sweet side of the palate. Obviously, I’ve taken it upon myself to fix this …
Continue reading “You’ll pine for this no bake cheesecake”
Is it summer yet? I’m in need of some serious sun and some serious warmth right now, and I can’t wait to toss my sweaters into a plastic tub and forget they exist for awhile. I know I still have time, but I am so ready. My only consolation this time of year is warm, …
Continue reading “Recipe proves that, actually, it is easy bein’ cheesy”
I have a confession to make: I hate using canned biscuits. It’s not that I don’t like how they taste. It’s not that I have some sort of environmental or moral reason I don’t like them. Plain and simple, I hate using canned biscuits, because every time I have to open a can, it scares …
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