White Chocolate Chip and Cashew Matcha Cookies There’s no ‘matcha’ for tea-flavored cookies

It seems like everyone has an extravagant friend.  The person in your life who likes the finer things, the fancier stuff, the flashy side of life. I have a few, but one who truly fits this description recently looked at me and said, “You know what’s delicious? White chocolate chip matcha cookies.” Challenge accepted. If …

Ruthie's Chocolate Pie Family pie recipe is ‘choc’ full of flavor

Several years ago, Danielle Oteri wrote a column for the website “Good Food Stories,” where she explored the differences in personality between her friends and family who preferred to cook, versus those who preferred to bake. It’s a fun read, if you get the chance (goodfoodstories.com/the-psychology-of-baking), but one quote from her friend Melissa resonated with …

Homemade Toffee Feel like you’re on ‘toffee’ the world with three ingredients

As a complete sweets addict, it figures I would marry somebody who would rather have an extra portion of a savory main dish than eat dessert. That being said, Joey does still have a sweet tooth—it’s just fairly particular. So, while most sugary concoctions I share with you are decidedly something I made because I …