According to the “New World Encyclopedia,” the macadamia nut hails from Australia originally, but once the Europeans discovered them in 1828, the evergreen trees they grow on eventually made their way to Hawaii in 1881. It wasn’t long before they became a commodity, and while the United States produces quite a few, Australia is still …
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A friend of mine recently posted on social media, “Raisin oatmeal cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the main reason I have trust issues.” I chuckled a bit, although I am a lover of both raisin-filled and chocolate-chip-filled oatmeal cookies. But then I started thinking about how good an old-fashioned, chewy oatmeal raisin …
Continue reading “Simple oatmeal cookies are ‘raisin’ the stakes”
Every time it was our family’s turn to bring snacks for any event—youth group, school functions, you name it—my friends would immediately ask, “Is your mom going to make cookies?” When my sister or I would announce that we needed to bring something yummy to share, Mom didn’t need to ask us what we wanted …
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It might be a side effect of becoming an aunt, but my eyes seem to be drawn to all kinds of cute things lately. The cookie recipe I’m sharing with you this week was one of those cute items I found online and just had to try. I then immediately messaged my sister with a …
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I have a bad habit of skipping over steps in recipes when I look over them, trying to decide whether or not I should give them a try. More than once, I’ve started baking something, only to realize halfway through that I have to stop and chill an ingredient for an hour or overnight before …
Continue reading “It’s time to sprinkle in some sugar cookies”