Chocolate Chip Cookie Cinnamon Rolls Combining cookies and cinnamon rolls is totally friend‘chip’ goals

Every once in awhile, I run across a food idea so dumb but so obviously delicious that I just have to try it. It happened when I made poutine tacos. It happened when I decided to try Mountain Dew and Doritos cupcakes. And it happened again this past week, when I saw a simple recipe …

Soy Sauce Chocolate Chip Cookies ‘Soy’ vey: These cookies were quite the weird experiment

“Well, these are a disaster,” I told Joey, pulling my baking sheet out of the oven. “I guess they won’t be going in the column.” Earlier in the week, I was excited to try a recipe I ran across that used soy sauce in chocolate chip cookies. It sounded just weird enough that I had …

White Chocolate Chip and Cashew Matcha Cookies There’s no ‘matcha’ for tea-flavored cookies

It seems like everyone has an extravagant friend.  The person in your life who likes the finer things, the fancier stuff, the flashy side of life. I have a few, but one who truly fits this description recently looked at me and said, “You know what’s delicious? White chocolate chip matcha cookies.” Challenge accepted. If …